D&D Icons of the Realms – Saltmarsh Box 2
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GTIN: 634482960639
Vendor Item nr: WZK96063
Deze set bevat:
Baron Kepmak
Blademaster Makaht
Hogepriesteres Thadrah
Krell Grohlg
Mr. Dory
Duizend Tanden de Verslindster
Bekijk D&D Iconen van de Realms – Saltmarsh Box 1
D&D Icons of the Realms – Saltmarsh Box 2
This set contains:
Baron Kepmak
Blademaster Makaht
High Priestess Thadrah
Krell Grohlg
Mr. Dory
Thousand Teeth the Devourer
Check out D&D Icons of the Realms – Saltmarsh Box 1